--Life Away from Home Sweet Home (Part IV)--
Assalamu'alaikum... and morning...
Ok these are several random photos just wanna upload and share up here. FYI, few days ago, weather was slightly picked up at this Samarang area, where the wind speeds were from 20knots-30 knots (1 knot = 1.85 km/hour), and the swells were about 2-3 m, not that high, but still gave excessive rollings to the boat as this area is quite shallow (seabed is only 10m from the sea level), followed by heavy squalls for few days... So kiranya bila swell tinggi tu... jadila bilik tido kitorang yg kemas dan bersih macam sini bertukar macam kawasan kene gempa bumi 8.9 skali ritcher.... takpun ala2 titanic gitu... pinggan mangkuk, tv, sumela.... jatuh menyembah lantai...
Sejuk.... ak mandi skali sehari je kat sini... terase macam orang putih... bangun pagi kol 0430 pergi sinki, gosok gigi, cuci muke,amik wudhuk, solat subuh, tempek moisturizer, then gi Bridge (navigation control) amik DPR (Daily Progress Report) skali ngan timbang berat badan sebab kat Bridge ada weighing scale sebab ak kene monitor berat badan ak sentiasa...., turun deck, singgah mess room amik hash brown feveret ak, buat milo, masuk inspection opis kat deck, buat DOR (Daily Operational Report), hantar kat manager tunggu manager reply, then bagi Operation Superintendant sign, pastu bagi Client Site Representative (CSR) sign, then circulate kat client and opis...
Begitula rutin harian pada pagi hari... sekiranya ak tiada kerja i.e. inspection... Unless if ada inspection kene buat, terpaksala ak menjadi dewa -dewi bertangan lapan menjalankan tugas sebagai inpsection eng. skali ngan secretary sepenuh masa... (huh....) masa tu ak rasa cam super hero bergegas ke sana ke mari... sebab DOR kene circulate by 0900 SHARP!!! SETIAP HARI TANPA GAGAL!!! Kalau GAGAL bersedia la kene sembur dgn kata beracun dari segenap arah maka akan downla moral ko sepanjang ari itu (ak sgt berpengalaman masa mule2 dulu, kini, ak sudah blaja dari pengalaman, maka simpang la malaikat 44 ke 88 ke 176 ke 352... dan seterusnya--> ini janjang aritmetik ye kawan2 ke ape... hehe men blasah sebab da lupe =).... Mesti menangis cikgu Add Math ak dulu =)
Ok marilah berbalik kepada gambar di bawah....
Maafla sebab gambar pon tonggang terbalik, not arranged accordingly. Anyway this is the diving supervisor supervising the air diving operation conducted. As u can see, there are several gauges in the pics, those gauges are for air compressor, pneumo, etc.... mainly for air supply for the diver underwater....
This is a diver... taking a picture of himself underwater. Yup he's wearing look-a-like-astronaut-helmet. This helmet is connected to umblical (set of numbers of wires ala macam fungsi tali pusat jugak le... namapun umblical...) that supply air, eletricity, audio & video... If kat tempat sejuk macam north sea ke... umblical nie jugak provide air panas untuk elakkan diver mengalami kesejukan melampau, nama syndrome tu ape ntah ak da lupe asenye hypothermia kot...sila tanya En. Google untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut.... tapi kat Perairan Malaysia nie... suam manjang je airnye... tak perlu kot bekalan air panas kat bawah tu....
Owh ini pule adalah gambar ketika personnel transfer... Lihatlah wahai kamu sekalian manusia.... time nie tgh swell BAEKKK punya... so personnel kat other boat (belah kanan) kenala swing untuk ke vessel kami (belah kiri). Tapi safety mmg sangat2 diambil kira time personnel transfer nie... ada boat landing supervisor yang berpengalaman yang akan instruct kita, bila time nak lompat, or bila time DILARANG MELOMPAT... eventually, sume tu jugak, depend on our own self confident jugakle. Ak pernah gak boat-to-boat personnel transfer nie, tapi time calm water je hehehe... Not that challenging la kan.... ak pon cuak gak =)
Owh nie adalah the preetiest, loveliest, fairest lady onboard.... Mmg da diakui la oleh sumerang atas kapal nie... hahaha HARUSLAH......ak kot sorang2 nye lady atas kapal nie. Ke ada lady lain???? hehehe alamak meremang pulak bulu nie... Ye... ak le sorang perempuan atas kapal nie... so far...
Nie ada benda nak share... orang putih (mat salleh) derang ada this kind of superstitious where actually any ladies, are not allowed to be onboard on any ship cause the ship itself is a she... Cause they afraid that the ship will be jealous or wutever....Hamik kau english ak... kire nanti bawak bad luck la dalam pelayaran... tapi nie pendapat dahulu kale... ada omputih maybe masih percaya but others just anggap benda tu mitos semate2...
Syukur le ak nie Islam... sahle tak percaya bende2 ngarut nie.....
Nak story gak... Bagi ak perasantan sekejap k'
Kadang2 ak suke berangan yang ak nie Calypso (natau sape Calypso sile tanya En. Google) and sume diver2 nie lanun hehehe ala Pirates of The Carribean... =). Ok bolehla muntah darah sekarang time kasih....
Macam ak dok story dulu2... Bile kat laut nie, ko akan menyaksikan keindahan ciptaan ilahi yang takleh lawan kat mana2 dah... ko boleh lihat sejauh mata memandang.... leh nampak horizon lagi... cantik kan gambar nie? (ak rasa cantik la) walaupun just amik pakai digital compact camera biasa, without any editing and stuff, still can produce such a beautiful picture....
Cume skang nie ada 2 je benda yang ak nak tengok tak tercapai lagi... pertama is dolphin and also shark (whale shark agak popular di Kemaman) and also nak watch shooting stars in the middle of the sea (sea la sangat luar pantai je kot....).
InsyaAllah ak akan carik peluang menyaksikan keindahan Allah yang lain... nanti leh story2 kat readers....
Okla... penat gak membebel-taip nie.... skang jam di PC showing 0948hrs... keje len da settle... nak pergi meeting je lagi at 1100 hrs nie...
Owh teringat pulak several quotes orang2 atas kapal nie:
# Jom kita bawak kapal nie pergi Ghaza, sume jadi activist and humanitarian. Sebelum tu singgah Labuan dulu hehehehe...
#Diver: Maz, nak bawak ape lagi turun bawah nie?
Mazafirzie: Camera?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Ident Board?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Pointing rod?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Steel rods?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Magnetic n non-magentic measuring tape?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Chalk?
Diver: Ade
Mazafirzie: Otak ko?
Diver: ^%$!&#&^& !!!!!
Mazafirzie: Jangan marah En. Diver =) ....
Ape2 pun korang doakan kesejahteraan ak kat sini k' supaya rezeki ak and korang pon dimurahkan... Okies readers!!! Take good care of yourself... Till the next entry yea...
Chiou, and Salam....