--Life Away from Home Sweet Home (Part III)--
Ok today is a very sunny day...things seem not as hectic as days before... Hope things can run smoothly today... Amin..
Few more pics to share...

This is the recreational room. Well when people already off-shift they can come and hang-out at this room to watch movie, play games, chit chatting etc...
Dating also can, but if got someone to date with ler hehehe =P

OK this is the mess room (dining room) as you can see there's a guy wearing hat and apron. Well he's the camp boss (the one who arrange/manage all the food provisions, accommodations, laundry etc). Normally a campboss also act as a chef/cook too... The food served is buffet style... eat all you can... no wonder am gaining like 5-6kgs after working in this industries for only 9 months!!!! Ish -.-'' kena live healthily.... Btw this is a small vessel. So we don't have gym around. Want to do work outs. Go to the engine room heheheh it's a multi-function room (gym, sauna, jogging arena) hehehehe =P

And this is the mess room... blh la tahan kan... siap ada langsir lagi...mmg takleh lawan titanic, normally I would sit at the last bench against the wall tu, that's my fav spot... and it has lotsa memories there... =)
Ok just now things seems to be kinda relax, but the operation superintendant just came in and give me another tasks to do.... OKIES GTG Da~
Wish me luck =)
Hetzel: HAHA ok klak kmk post them up. Boh terliur kitak nangga klak...