--Life away from Home Sweet Home (Part 1)--
Someone did request me to post my offshore life... So I believe am going to start slowly starting from this entry...
Just finished my shift at 1200, now am on my bed.... typing this entry with my eyes half-close kekeke... =)
It's been a week I'm in Sabah Water for Major Platform Inspection.
Currently we are approximately 60 km from the shore.
This picture was taken early this morning, during dawn right after subuh prayer... Yup that's the platform we're working on right now.
And that's me, sandwiched in between of two giant divers hahaha, anyway meet my colleagues, Abdul Halim (left) and Ahmad Rizal (right). There are air divers for the day-shift. Air divers are actually diver that can able to dive ONLY up to (-)50 m from the sea level. Any dive beyond the 50m depth, we need to use Saturation (Sat) diver. Am working on the night shift.
Anyway... in this pic I was just being a poser thou... the radio/walkie-talkie is actually for the top diver to communicate with the diving supervisor in the dive control van while air diving operation is being carried out...
That's another view of the platform, can u see a tiny little boat on the left?
Well, that's a fisherman fishing around the platform. U see, even if there's sign board stated that "no fishing within 500m radius from the platform" normally we could see quite a number of fishermen, fishing around the area, as the platform itself is the nest for all the fishes =).

Sometimes the fisherman would come closer to the vessel and asking wether we wanna buy his fish, etc... Fishes pon bukan sebarang fishes ok!!! FRESH!!! Kerapu (grouper), tenggiri (wahoo) at a very cheap price i believe, never asked for the price thou... But kid u not readers, i've ate FRESH!!!! kerapu (grouper) freshly taken from the sea... and the taste was...splendid marvellous, yummy, sumela (telan elioq sat)...
Sometimes the fisherman would come closer to the vessel and asking wether we wanna buy his fish, etc... Fishes pon bukan sebarang fishes ok!!! FRESH!!! Kerapu (grouper), tenggiri (wahoo) at a very cheap price i believe, never asked for the price thou... But kid u not readers, i've ate FRESH!!!! kerapu (grouper) freshly taken from the sea... and the taste was...splendid marvellous, yummy, sumela (telan elioq sat)...
The thing that amazed me most is, in the middle of the sea, these guys risking their life where all unpredicted squalls, high swells, etc these fishermen still be able to use their lil' boat to go fishing... just to find sesuap nasi, to raise their kids, to feed the family... regardless day or night... and to supply us with those tasty yummy seafood.
Moral of the story, kids out there, u guys better be grateful, and thankful to these fishermen, becoz of them u guys are able to eat the delicious seafood, ready on your dining table =)
This makes me grateful as well...
And I miss my family....
Happy Belated Birthday Asry...
and Happy Becoming Birthday Bapak.....
=) Two men whom I love most in my life...
So that's the first part of my life offshore...
Will update more soon... =)
Take care guys =)