Before reading this, I want you to bear in mind that should there be any contradiction in any content of this entry, with respect to the genuine, actual facts, it is because of this entry is only a piece of my unprofessional personal review regarding civilization as I certainly no a historian, nor a civilization analyst. It would be very appreciable if there are any rectifications, and critiques to be given herein.
In just a blink of an eye, bombs could throw a civilization back to u hundred of years ago. Sounds unbelievable, but in reality they do.
Watching 'A Nigt At the Museum' makes me realize how convolutedly arduous to create a civilization, nurture it with prosperity and uphold its peacefulness and ironically it is far much easier to watch a civilization collapse.
The Ancient Egypt, Roman Empire, 'Uthmanly Empara Torlugu (Ottoman Empire in Turkish), Union of Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR), those are some of the short-listed super-great empires that are well-known for their glories, pride, and fame which I believe if they were still exist in this millenium, they might be the most suitable challengers to the United States of America (USA) (i'm not so sure about USSR though...).
This is not an attempt to create any animosity towards the USA herein, nor claiming that the USA is a bad guy. Barring unforeseen or expected action what she may do to the world next, I admit that the USA is an empire in this new era.
As the other empires would be, I truly be certain of that this new-born empire will fall one day, sooner or later, no one will ever know, except HIM. It is the rule of nature. Taking for instance, The Ottoman Empire once conquered the whole East-West for approximately 600 hundred long years, after getting rid of the Byzantine from The Land of Turks, which was led by the young, energetic, ambitous, 25-year-old Sultan Muhammad Al-Fateh II, when later to be known that the great, vast empire implausibly collapsed in the early of 20-th century.
Another good example is Iraq, where we could see historically that the country used to be one of the most well-developed country in the world 2-3 decades ago. She used to have the most efficient medical facilities on earth as well as its economical development, where 1 Iraqi Dinar is equivalent to MYR12, paradoxically to say (correct me if I'm wrong) that the value of 1 Iraqi currency nowadays more or less is equal to a piece of tissue in Malaysia.
And there so be it, men are used to the vicissitudes of civilization. There are sad and happy moments in the world's civilization history. Starting from Adam p.b.u.h.(the first man on earth) to our last prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h., to Zacharie (may be last man on earth->just joking, i know it doesn't sound funny), but history does teach us how to be better in the future.