--NEW DAY 5/8/09--
Salam, and hi. So this would be my third day in my new office, new environment. Nothing much here as others are pretty busy with new upcoming projects. And as for me, what am doing now is just updating my blog during lunch hour huhuhu ~_^v.
Eventhough I haven't get my Convocation Robe from Alea yet, but this wouldn't be able to stop myself from trying my ex-housemate robe hahaha....

And this is my new workplace, that's my laptop, and if you could see some files on your right hand side, that would be the operation manuals which i need to read beforehand.

The overall look of my department

Again my working station at a different angle, diff la sangat....

p/s: can't wait to start the real task, and waiting for the three others new colleagues to come



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