Just a day before I started working, me and the other 3 stooges (oopss) went for a 'round-round' at Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, which basically because we were DAMN BROKE!!! NO MONEY NO TALK!!! So the cheapest and the most saving place would be here... hehe THANK YOU RAHMA SAYANG for blanja ESKEM ROTI hehehe... sedap sangat... bermakna tu wei... bila duit da sikit hahaha

Anywho, we spent sometime playing at the playground without realizing that we are WAYYYY TOOO OLLDDD to play with the swing and the seesaw, well at least these two things didn't break when i used them hehehe....

Nothing much just some moments to share with you guys...


The coolest thing was... as we were just about to step out from Taman Tasik Titiwangsa, we noticed there were 2 DBKL officers relaxing with their charming horses... So without any doubt we just approached them and play with the horses huhuhu.... Fortunately, the officers are pretty friendly... and willing to spend sometime to chit-chat with us. Anyway this was my first time touching a real horse, very tall, coz the horses that I've rode before were only the Merry Go Round horses... Btw the handsome one above is called MALIM, i don't know why... but he's still young... 7 years old and he likes to eat A LOT. We were told by the officers that average lifespan for a horse is between 20-25 years only... these two horses are different species (baka), Malim type is mainly for patrolling while the other one is much tougher and stronger type normally use to pull the logs (kuda balak).

Now, say HI!!!! to JAGUH @ Hendric, Hendric is the 'western' name for him hehehe, that was his name back in the Germany, so now it has been 'malaysiarize' and called JAGUH. DO YOU KNOW THAT JAGUH LEAD ALL THE HORSES DURING PERARAKAN HARI KEMERDAKAAN??? Jaguh is actually much friendlier than Malim. AND HE LIKES TO BE PAMPERED LIKE A BABY!!!! and how cute is that!!! He's already 12 years old.

Since Zetty loves to 'baby-speak' with Jaguh so Jaguh loves Zetty so much and HE FOLLOWED ZETTY whereever she goes. (HUH JEALOUS!!!) Anyway, horses are just like other pets too, if we treat them well, than they'll treat us well too. For instance, say, if we always give these horses milks and carrot to eat, pamper, and sweet-talk to them, they'll love us and we'll wait for us in front of the house every morning.... SERIOUS!!!

and actually horses can really eat the normal/common grass because they just can, coz before this, many people told me that horses can only be fed with special grass and this is not entirely true, actually, most of the owners would not allow their horses to eat common grasses because they just afraid that the grassmight have been sprayed/contaminated with pesticides/herbicides e.t.c which might harm the horses...

The sad part of the story is, the horses which are under government property will have their 'expiry' time, and when the time comes, the horse will be 'disposed' put into sleep and will be sent to UPM for post-mortem... ='(

p/s: now can i have a horse for a pet???
p/p/s: Photos: courtesy of xera



Oderint Dum Metuant said…
ingat tek Hendric masuk Islam.. yalah namanya Jaguh

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