--Saya Terima Lamaran Itu Asalkan Permintaan Saya Ini Dituruti--

Beta, Gusti Putri Raden Adjeng Retno Dumillah Puteri Gunung Ledang berkehendakkan:

#pertama air mata dara, yang tidak berdarah tujuh tempayan banyaknya

# kedua Pinang, bukannya kahwin kerana tidak tua, merah darahnya tujuh tempayan banyaknya

#ketiga, merangkak bebas di daratan darah juga kehendaknya, sifatnya, tujuh dulang banyaknya

# keempat, terbang bebas di udara, darah juga kehendaknya, sifatnya, tujuh dulang banyaknya

#kelima, darah putih rakyat untuk menambat darah kuning raja dari tapak ke takhta

#keenam, darah merah raja untuk menambat darah kuning raja dari tapak ke takhta

#ketujuh, darah seguntal tetap mengalir, badan bersilih berganti, sebatil

Bukan kejam, bukan dendam, ini juga nilai kasih paduka pada beta

source here

familiar with these words before???

I just cud watch him from afar; tiada keindahan sebegini di UM huhuhu T_T

who is the mysterious guy?

Datuk Laksamana Hang Tuah of the day...

Since I won't go to the Disney On Ice show, I divert my interest to teather. So last Friday the I had my chance to watch Puteri Gunung Ledang the Musical last weekend at Istana Budaya.
I could only afford the upper circle ticket which cost me around RM 24, but the show was superb and almost perfect I would say being a non- theatre enthusiast/expert. Even though you sit HIGH UP, i really mean HIGH UP FAR AWAY from the stage, but the view was still nice and clear but you can always bring ur own bino if u want =P.
It's undescriable, and you should watch it by yourself and experience the magical world during the reign of Sultanate of Malacca and Kingdom of Majapahit.
I've watched the movie, not so satisfying and i also didn't watched the last two teathre seasons, but I bet this is the best ever, much much much better than the film.
Forgot to mention that Stephen Rahman has a very euphonious voice with perfect vibrato which can melt my heart and my soul away ahhhh.....
I thank both of my friends (you know who you are) for willingly accompanied me to watch the show. You guys ROCK MY WORLD AND MY SACRED FRIDAY NITE!!!
p/s: tiba2 perasan jadi Gusti Putri tak sedar draft thesis kena antar jemat nie huh Roslan, Roslan....
p/p/s: I also noticed UM Pro Chansellor Toh Puan Dr. Aishah Ong, juz cudn't get the chance to capture her pic


what's up with toh puan aishah ong? did she sat behind u?

got one artist smlm..tak tahu nama dia. but then br cam. hmm..slalo belakun jd ustaz..
maz m. said…
no, i met her at the lobby, gosh she won't be sitting at the upper circles la wei....jatuhla taraf...
btw enjoy ur langkawi trip!!!

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