--My Friend, Waje (open essay; PMR 2008)--
The above pic is my half blood Sarawakian friend. His name is Waje. His real name is Raja Shahrom Nizam Shah Raja Shoib. But his name is way too long so others prefer to call him Waje. He was born on 16th of August 1986. He was born in Kuching. He is single as he does not have any girlfriend because he is not ready for any commitments yet (Waje, 2008). I know him as the most super-perverted guy in my friends list. He said everyone says that he looks like Dafi, but he denies it, but actually I know he likes it anyway.
Recently (actually it was last sem) Waje moved to his new house in Gombak. He really loves the house so much that he spent all of his salary that he earns by working as a waiter for three years at Daily France, Sungei Wang. It was quite surprising to know that this such perverted guy actually knows ho to do interior deco, which is very impressive. You can see the above picture for evidence. Or you can see below picture too.
Regardless of his pevertness, he is still one of the best friends of mine (best friend??? erm we will reconsider about that) apart from my other best friends, because all my friends are my best friends (takut org kecik bah...). And that is the story of my friend, Waje.
(more than 100 words)
p/s: d you think this essay will get an A?
p/p/s: picture; the one on the left is before tranformation, the one on the right is after transformation, in case you don't know...
yela2 aku salah oi!!