--Recycling Day--
Despite of Ramadhan al Mubarak, enviroeng final year students will still have to proceed with our ongoing project which is nope, not the berbuka puasa bersama-sama, nope, not bersahur bersama-sama but the maintenance of eng. fac recycling bins!!!... sigh... just to get our lil' valuable 10% marks continuous assignments for the Solid Waste Management subject.
So, for our first recycling drive, it will be held on THIS WEDNESDAY (3rd SEPTEMBER 2008), at biomed old foyer or at the hydraulic lab (building next to eng. fac. library) from 11a.m. till 4 p.m. please do bring any recycables

Wall E; got the pic from here
Which reminds me of Wall E which i just watched with a friend of mine last week and it's a good story why? because budak tak pandai english pon reti coz the way it communicates to its audience is through body languages, movements.... well the thing is you should watch the movie even though some parts are pretty boring
more of that is the message of the story is very strong which is to LESSEN THE SOLID WASTE OR ELSE U'LL LIVE WITH IT! seriously people...
Which gives us ideawhere we want to do an ermm well so called a Wall E 'primier show' at our fac which might not be agreed by our supervisor as it deals with copyright and etc.... But then i haven't ask for her opinion yet so can't really tell how she will react with it.... HUmppph....
but still i need to ask her first and the first thing am gonna do tomorrow is email her and tell everything, and hoping that she'll agree with the idea... gambatte ne!!!!
so...guys please support our programme and save our environment aight!!!
p/s: mazafirzie's transforming herself from a severe polluter to an dedicated-environmentalist-to-be