--25th DECEMBER 2010--
Merry Christmas everyone...
First of all, I would like to thank Mr. 3/e for being so caring... hehe thank you so much for your phone call...hihihi nanti claim bill kat ak ok ak bayar installment...
Hurm.. i think enough for the emotional entry... let's be happy shall we?
Okay... so apart from being a loser, not going anywhere on this christmas day... eating McD delivery and watching astro all day long... I've decided to change my bedroom door knob hehehe...
I wish I could share you the pics on how i did it myself, the DIY steps on changing the door knob... Because it was quite easy though... Took less than half and hour and it's fully functioning hehehe... I guess i can be a handylady... hurmm anyone having problems wif door knob can call me k'
BUT... my camera got NO BATTERIES!!!! Wonder where all the batteries gone???!!!!??!!! TENSION!!!!
Ok never mind... you see, sometime last month, I stupidly locked my door from outside, and the key was inside the room. So, in order for me to get into the room, i had to break the door knob........using hammer hahah so.... not professional....
So, my door was knobless (or the door knob was not functioning) for quite sometime... and I thought I should get myself (or my door) new accesories...
So I went to this hardware shop, TUKUL in Wangsa Walk. The shop assistant was very nice to me... he taught me how to dismantle the old door knob, and how to install a new one... ala2 crash course la... I asked him to repeat the procedure twice, and asked him tonnes of Qs and he aswered all of my Qs wifout looking annoyed at all... sangat baik....hahaha... Thank you adik... semoga lulus SPM dgn berjaya =D... Seriously i recommend TUKUL (the one in Wangsa Walk coz that's the only TUKUL i've been to) because the costumer service is SUPERB and you'll be happy with their service.
And since I got sufficient knowledge from him, I was able to change my door knob myself... and I've gained new skill!!! Hoi yeah....
What you need:
1. A screw philip screwdriver
2. Hammer just in case if you need to break anything hehe
3. One set of door knob with keys (this can be as cheap as RM12, or the price can go up to RM60 and above, of course the one that is cheaper is the one which can easily break off)
1. When you reach the hardware store just ask for the doorknob that you want
2. Once you confirm the one that you really want to buy, ask the shop assistant to open the set to ensure the keys, and everything is fully functioning
3. Just read the manual provided....inside the shop ok.....
4. Try to understand the manual, Just in case if you don't understand, ask the shop assistant to help you and ask as many Qs as you want until u'r satisfied enough and have the confidence to change it yourself, just like what i did...
5. Once you reach home, you can just leave the doorknob set for a month untouched (just what like i did coz i thought it's gonna be hard and fail...stupid me... afraid of failure!!!!) or you can change it straight away.... which is SO EASY duh~! .....
You see, i installed, dismantled, installed again, and dismantled and installed the door knob again and over and over again, just to make sure, i really know how to do it. so i think now i'd mastered the skill already hehe...
Okla later own, i wanna learn how to get into a locked room eh... like Prison Break hehehe