Simple but meriah Raya delicacies. Thanks to the chef, cooks, stewards, & all who prepared all these Raya meals....

Again, just use what ever we have onboard to decorate the mess room. Creativity is the best policy =)

See, even Coke, 100 plus cans, 3-in-1 nescafe & tit-bits can be arranged to look 'very welcoming' =)

Some cakes, fruits, & fruit-cocktails

After shift, nite before Raya, gagahkan diri ironing the baju kurung.
That's the spirit!!!! =D

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
Minal A'idin Wal Faizin
Dengan Ingatan Tulus Ikhlas
Maaf Zahir dan Batin


a.H.s said…
Selamat Hari Raya Maziah...
Maaf zahir & batin...

p/s: Happy Malaysia Day too.......
Anonymous said…
Oh cantiknya my sayang!sedih la xpat temu.ingat leh raya bsama.rindu glak2.kck bj awak maz.btw,wat happened to ur fb?deactiv8 acc ka?
maz m. said…
Huhu thanx Lee, baju lamak jak...
My FB account is under hiatus only for a moment =) i'll be FBing back... lagikpun ak bukan regular FBer saja maok relax kejap =D
Fareed Shaqueer said…
Salam maziahhhhhhhhhhhhh..kau rupenye,wah description lagi hebat rupenye..raya atas vessel tu mantob2..klu time tu ry atas vessel,melelehla air mata wife aku,ry hj pun mcm tu huahuahua,by the way suar bj melayu sapa tu?hehehe
maz m. said…
Haha... suar tu mystery ala ko mmg kenalnye sape... =D
maz m. said…
Haha... suar tu mystery...ko mmg kenalnye sape... =D
maz m. said…
Haha... suar tu mystery...ko mmg kenalnye sape... =D

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