Looking through the window, I could see the calm, clear blue water. Good weather, means projek jalan. Smiled to myself. But if bad weather can lepak-lepak. Smiled again to myself. Good weather ka bad weather ka am happy to be here =) . Woke up around 2100 or 2200 or 2300 depending when would my wall to be knocked by someone, washed my face, brushed my teeth, straightaway put on my hijab, without mandi sejuk beb…, went to the mess room and eat. At 2400 went to my office at the lower deck and start compiling data for Daily Operational Report. Here the sun shines bright, but it doesn’t burn you. The air would be the freshest –freshest air that you can breathe. No traffic jams, no people rushing pushing you, harassing you some more by some pervert morons.
picture: Courtesy of 3/e
Ok ZAP! Time to wake up ! It’s been approx three weeks now since I’m back from offshore. Ngeh ngeh ngeh back to the real world babe…. And am going back to Kuching very very soon insyaAllah =)
Wake up at 0630 in the morning, iron the baju, wait and rush and struggle to get into the earliest lrt, wait for taxi to the office, finish the inspection report, again wait for the lrt and back home safely InsyaAllah. And that’s my current routine from Monday until Friday… Don’t forget my feet arch that would ache if I wear heels and need to stand all the way from stesen U to terminal putra (or vice versa).
Before going back to KL I was afraid to face the real world. Cuak gile sei… Coz in the vessel you don’t have to worry about anything. Everything is prepared and ready and you just have to get enough rest and do your work as best as you can. Pull stop. Well, you can also socialize a lil bit here and there la depends. You just don’t have to worry a single thing. But being back here, working just like other people makes me a lil’ well should I say cold feet??? Traffic jam, wash your own laundry, buy your own food, pay for your own transportation, and so on and so forth. Was I being pampered too much there?
49 days, that’s all it takes to change the 49 days younger me to what I am now. Even if they say working offshore needs mental and physical fitness, but I believe that working onshore really needs you to be more than that, coz you have to give real commitments because that’s where the real challenge is not that I’m saying working offshore isn’t the real challenge but in a way it is much challenging working on the land haha. MONEY, time, emotion, stress management skills should be inside your hand if you want to excel and not screwing your life right? Being afraid to go back (like me) means that you are afraid of giving the real commitments??? Well that’s what I think so far.
So I was in a state where I just ‘blurrly and unpreparedly’ accepted that I have to come back as I never thought I need to be back that early. Being a first timer demobing (means that from offshore you need to go back to onshore) process was really toying with my emotions. Why? Because you’ve tried to get to know everyone onboard, and being friends with them, adapting with the whole new thing new world, and suddenly PAP! Demob! You din’t even have the chance to say goodbye properly. Well, maybe I was being too emotional here, am a girl or a young woman =P after all bak kata derang la kan, perempuan nie lembut hati. Yup maybe I was, and inexperience in facing thennature of this job where people come and go just like that. Even the client site representative went off from the vessel pun ak sedih sei…Hire and fire industry bak kata orang. So there came the word tawakkal. ‘Bismillahi tawakkaltu ‘allallah. Wa La hawla wa La quwata illah billah’. There is no power or strength except with Allah. And praised be to Him, I can overcome the ‘overwhelmness’ of being back to the land. It’s not that hard and harsh as I imagined. Just deal with it and you’ll be fine.
And yes I’m missing to be in the middle of the sea (but I never miss being sea sick ngeh ngeh ngeh). And of course am looking forward to be working there as soon as possible. To breath the freshest air, to enjoy the most beautiful sunrise and the most magnificent sunset, to view the brightest stars. I’ll be back and that’s my promise InsyaAllah. LAUT TUNGGU AKU!!!
And (it is) because of Him that the ships with elevated sails float across the sea (appearing) like mountains (or like banners tied upon the spears).
Then which of the powers of your Lord you would deny?
(Surah Ar-Rahman: 24-25)
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