My First Ever Handbag
--My First Ever HandBag--
This entry's kinda boring. So there. My first ever h/bag, sorry the photos are not arranged accordingly. I bought it at Metro Jaya MidValley on a discounted price. After surveying for several h/bags at several stores, I opt for this one coz it has the simplest yet elegant design of all, and it's affordable too. I think it's nicely sewn, has simple-look, less aunty (i think hehe, or does it look aunty??), humble, WHITE SOMEMORE so gonna give her extra care compare to the other bags wawawawa!!! I chose white over red (red looks delicious) coz i think it'll suite me better for my interviews later. LATER when i get the interviews (which i haven't get them yet of course~pathetic i know T_T). What do ya think??? Just give any comments, bad comments also welcomed...
Brand: Battuta Gioiello (it's from H/Kong despite of the Itallian brand name)
Fabric and Texture: Genuine Leather, Hand-Crafted
Warranty: 3 Months Warranty from any manufactural defect, u can also bring it back to the store for leather polish
Purpose: Mainly for working so the 2nd h/bag would be more trendy I suppose ~_^
IMHO, it's design is not classy (mungkin taste kt sik sama) so bila ktk embaknya ke interview cam sik sesuai (bagi kmk lah). But nektok interview sik se-traditional kedak dolok - very laidback jak.
Lee: yalah terpaksa disiplin lah owh, lekak pakei polish, simpan dalam dustbag, engkah dalam kotak engkah lam lemari hahah (CEH!!!), sik besar la la sikpat masuk file, mun payung n botol air agik blh huhuhu, sik pernah pun ak ng kau embak bag besar2 ???
oh ya, name for the bag: Balqis..haha:P