--Meet the Little Miss Seducer--
Sorry for not updating for quite sometimes, been pretty busy with all the assignments, designs, and thesis.
But nevertheless, I still would want to introduce to you to my dressing weapon
Behold… The Sexiest Little Miss Seducer @ My Not-So-New Red Pumps of the YEAR…
Sorry for not updating for quite sometimes, been pretty busy with all the assignments, designs, and thesis.
But nevertheless, I still would want to introduce to you to my dressing weapon
Behold… The Sexiest Little Miss Seducer @ My Not-So-New Red Pumps of the YEAR…
Well actually, it’s not that sexy, I bought it only at RM79.90, no discount T_T at one of the shops in Sungei Wang
I guess it looks nice and super sexy especially on me, huhu despite of the bad memories during the first day I wore her. Yeah she can be a whore sometimes (hahaha sila gelak dgn nada syaiton) Remember Monorail Station???OUCHHH
What do you think???
I plan to wear the same heels to the Annual College Dinner but it depends...
Too many things to buy, yet to little money in the pocket... Sigh...
p/s: maybe i shud do a derma kilat eh??? like one person one ringgit =P
nah gambar da upload!!!
btw sejak bila u dapat SIR tok???