--Shopaholic Hits the Cinema--
I bet most of you know who Sophie Kinsella is, a best-selling author for her novel series; The Shopaholic Series, which will hit the cinema in February 2009. Yahoo!!! I’ve been waiting for this film since eons ago and now my dream will come true at last!!!(so lame…)
Well when I was in my first year I know from the web that Kinsella is working on the novel-adaptation-movie. Amazingly, a few weeks later, there was a movie released; entitled Shopaholic. I was pretty sure that was the movie I’ve been waiting so i went alone to the cinema, bought the ticket and wait impatiently inside the hall. Tada!!! Then there was a Chinese movies starring a well-known Hong Kongese actress whom I don’t know the name. In te first place i thougt i was in the wrong hall. No wonder all the Chinese aunties and uncles looking weirdly at me as if i was out of the niche while entering the hall. And no wonder I was the ONLY Malay in the Hall…Hah! How unlucky I was, however it turned out that the movie wasn’t that bad after all. It’s a romantic-comedy anyway.
There’s no more Twilight fever. Now we will be having another world-wide epidemic sufferd only by female Homo Sapiens and maybe some of the males too.
Nevertheless I really hope that the movie will be as good as the novel as the LOTR Trilogy movie to the LOTR trilogy novel. Well done to Cameron and Tolkien. That’s the best novel-turn-movie I’ve ever watched.
Another novel-turn-movie that I really wish to watch is Bagaikan Puteri Trilogi. Wondering who will be the handsome, charismatic, religious, silat master Laksamana Sunan??? Jehan MiskinFahrin Ahmad? Rosyam Nor? Hahahahaha