--The Three Musketeers--

It was not long ago in a not so far away kingdom of Malaya....
Waaaaaaa........ alast penantian aku n Abdul Wahab berakhir di saat aku n dia menerima berita bahawa kitorang passed the chemistry paper.... keh keh keh tak sia-sia kita tak tido malam tu ...
Ari tue da janji ngan Abdul Wahab if we passed the chemistry paper i'll upload the pics... kekeke :) Btw malam b4 exam kimia tuh aku, Abdul Wahab, and Waje (dia amik concrete design II) pulun abis kat blek tutorial kat fac sampai subuh....Thanx korang temankan aku study same-same....
Btw tatau lagi hydraulics pa natijahnye...Hope for the best...Plan for the worst... Kencang tak kencang si Faridah Othman...
special poyo pose from me ~_^V

mr. waje dreaming kissing his future wife kekeke (ampun Raja!!!)

sempat online lagi siot...

ANd tHat iS tHe sToRy oF uS

sTudEntS wHo wIsH tO be bRilliAnt sTuDenTs eVen if tHeRe WeRe Not

bUt tHeY wErE hApPiLy geTtIn tHeIr rEsuLtS

aLtHoUgh tHe rEsuLts wErE fLyIn wIf nOt eNoUgH CoLoUrS aS tHe oThErS....

nOt EnOuGh tO sOaR tHe bLuE sKy

bUt mAnAgEd tO tOuCh tHe aRcHiNg rAinbow

tHiS iS tHe sToRy tHaT iS gOiN tO bE ReMeMbeRed iN 20 yEaRs aHeAd

tO bE oR nOt tO bE tOlD tO tHeIr cHilDrEn

aNd tHaT Is tHe sTorY oF uS....

eItHeR tO bE tOld oR tO be kEpT iN eAcH sOuL

aNd tHat iS tHe sTorY oF uS



Anonymous said…
AlhamduliLLAh, great 2 know that. syukur la dpt pass. I know the colours may bleed a bit, but at least it didnt fade off. and surely ur stay-up-study-only-while-ada-juak-ambik-gmbr pays its part.
maz m. said…
Zaid Akhtar said…
salam ziarah
maz m. said…
Zaid Akhtar??? Jenguk blog aku???
alifreyes or said…
huhu....tak sangka masuk blog kisah kita...ternyata kisah kita sempurna...wawa.tak de kaitan kan...

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